Erich Nelson Home Biography Orchids Watercolours and Drawings Contact DE EN Bei TaorminaWatercolour, 48.3 x 26.0 cmState Archives of the Canton of BernEstate: 13.639 Taormina, 1933Watercolour, 48.6 x 24.9 cmState Archives of the Canton of BernEstate: 13.643 Ziegelei Argelsried, 1922Watercolour, 34.1 x 25.4 cmState Archives of the Canton of BernEstate: 13.663 Oliven bei FiesoleWatercolour, 48.0 x 31.6 cmState Archives of the Canton of BernEstate: 13.665 Kakteen auf Sizilien, 1933Watercolour, 43.2 x 22.0 cmState Archives of the Canton of BernEstate: 13.648 SizilienWatercolour, 48.4 x 27.9 cmState Archives of the Canton of BernEstate: 13.646 Felsberge bei Tiers, 1926Watercolour, 39.2 x 54.6 cmState Archives of the Canton of BernEstate: 13.641 UnterstandWatercolour, 25.1 x 30.6 cmState Archives of the Canton of BernEstate: 13.617 Wald bei Friesole, 1928Watercolour, 31.6 x 48.0 cmState Archives of the Canton of BernEstate: 13.647 Dorfszene Charcoal drawing, 27.2 x 33.3 cmState Archives of the Canton of BernEstate: 13.624 LandszeneCharcoal drawing, 36.7 x 25.1 cmState Archives of the Canton of BernEstate: 13.622 HäusergruppeCharcoal drawing, 24.8 x 25.6 cmState Archives of the Canton of BernEstate: 13.609 SelbstportraitPencil drawing, Watercolour, 27.3 x 33.3 cmState Archives of the Canton of BernEstate: 13.597 SoldatPencil drawing, 15.9 x 24.0 cmState Archives of the Canton of BernEstate: 13.588 Sitzender MannPencil drawing, 15.9 x 23.5 cmState Archives of the Canton of BernEstate: 13.590 Imprint Privacy Policy Copyright © 2025 Stiftung Dr. h. c. Erich Nelson