
Erich Nelson (born 14 April 1897 in Berlin, Germany; died 22 March 1980 in Montreux, Switzerland) was a German artist, scientific illustrator, and botanist. He became well-known for his precise and aesthetic aquarelles and illustrations of European orchids, which total more than 2,000. His botanical and mycological author citation is „E.Nelson“.

Erich Nelson (born 14 April 1897 in Berlin, Germany; died 22 March 1980 in Montreux, Switzerland) was a German artist, scientific illustrator, and botanist. He became well-known for his precise and aesthetic aquarelles and illustrations of European orchids, which total more than 2,000. His botanical and mycological author citation is „E.Nelson“.

Erich Nelson (born 14 April 1897 in Berlin, Germany; 

died 22 March 1980 in Montreux, Switzerland) was a German artist, scientific illustrator, and botanist. He became well-known for his precise and aesthetic aquarelles and illustrations of European orchids, which total more than 2,000. His botanical and mycological author citation is: „E.Nelson“.

Erich Nelson (born 14 April 1897 in Berlin, Germany; died 22 March 1980 in Montreux, Switzerland) was a German artist, scientific illustrator, and botanist. He became well-known for his precise and aesthetic aquarelles and illustrations of European orchids, which total more than 2,000. His botanical and mycological author citation is „E.Nelson“.

Erich Nelson (born 14 April 1897 in Berlin, Germany; died 22 March 1980 in Montreux, Switzerland) was a German artist, scientific illustrator, and botanist. He became well-known for his precise and aesthetic aquarelles and illustrations of European orchids, which total more than 2,000. His botanical and mycological author citation is „E.Nelson“.